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  • doc4zen

What is Wellness?

We practice yoga, Pilates, spinning, etc. trying to find the wisdom in the body that we hope will inform our mind. At the very least, we celebrate the yoga buzz, knowing that at least for a while the mundane will appear more vibrant. On occasion, we are splashed with a cup of wisdom from a quote or a conversation that for a moment loosens our fixed and limiting approach to the after workout shower. This time we shower in the “now”, where for a moment, we’ll be present to the way the water hits our shoulders, the smell of dove soap, and how our neck responds to the hopefully not sandpaper-like towel we use to dry ourselves. Sweet, sweet release from the looming dark cloud of stress we thought we have been escaping, only to find that running from it was it’s own stress.

So now what? Stand in the rain, run toward the light, or always carry an umbrella. All answers that assume the resolution is found in escape, not approach.

Intuitively, we are often aware that it doesn’t have to feel like this, but we don’t know how to change it.

The truth is that there are answers; there’s a mental, emotional approach that makes perfect sense. YOU ALREADY KNOW THE ANSWERS, but they have been buried by years of rallying to keep the status quo.

While improving your experience is serious business, it’s not working if the process is not fun. My clients know that our time will be spent with laughter, tears, and hopefully a reference point that stays with you for awhile.

When you learn how to cultivate and practice awareness in an approach to daily experience that can allow you to transform the stress before you encounter it, it can add the same kind of color to your relationships with yourself and others that exercise adds to your your relationship with your body. Through rational, analytical, and poignant conversation, you will gain an appreciation of your ability to “tell your personal story until you get it right”. Once you hear the bell of your own empowered story, you can’t un-ring it.

You will notice changes in your next drive to work, your interactions with your spouse, and your ability to relax. With practice, the experience of improving is its own reward.

I offer individual, couples, and family coaching that is the result of 10 years of practice as a clinical therapist; 20 years working in hospitals, residential, and educational institutions; a Masters in clinical psychology; a lifetime of meditation; a student of spiritual teachers; and a seeker of the same ability to achieve joy, peace, and power to the human condition that you are.

We can meet at my office, your home, or place of work. My fee is sliding scale with a midpoint at $125 for a 90-minute session. I take all standard forms of payment including PayPal, Cash app, and Venmo.

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